Grievance and Appeals Policy

AIES Grievance and Appeals Policy

At AIES, we are committed to providing a fair, transparent, and respectful environment for all students, staff, and centers. We understand that, at times, concerns or disputes may arise, and we are dedicated to resolving these matters promptly and fairly. The Grievance and Appeals Policy outlines the process for addressing complaints and seeking a review of decisions.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all students, staff, and centers have access to a formal process for raising grievances or appealing decisions that affect them. This policy applies to academic, administrative, and other matters related to AIES programs and services.

2. Scope

This policy covers grievances and appeals related to:

  • Academic Decisions: Grades, assessments, program progression, academic misconduct, etc.
  • Administrative Actions: Enrollment, registration, course scheduling, financial issues, etc.
  • Behavioral Conduct: Disciplinary actions taken as a result of breaches in the Student Code of Conduct or other policies.
  • Service and Support Issues: Concerns about the quality of student services, teaching, or resources provided.

3. Informal Resolution

Before initiating a formal grievance or appeal, AIES encourages all parties to seek informal resolution by discussing the matter directly with the person(s) involved, such as:

  • The instructor for academic issues.
  • Administrative staff for registration or financial issues.
  • A relevant support staff member for service-related concerns.

Most issues can often be resolved through open communication and mutual understanding.

4. Grievance Procedure

If informal resolution is not possible or satisfactory, a formal grievance may be filed. The process is as follows:

Step 1: Filing the Grievance

  • The complainant must submit a formal written grievance to the AIES administration or center leadership. The grievance should include:
    • A clear description of the issue.
    • The individuals involved.
    • Relevant dates and supporting documentation.
    • The desired resolution or outcome.
  • Timeframe: The grievance must be submitted within 30 days of the incident or decision in question.

Step 2: Acknowledgment

  • Upon receipt of the grievance, AIES will acknowledge the complaint in writing within five (5) business days and provide details of the next steps.

Step 3: Investigation

  • An impartial investigator or committee will be assigned to review the grievance. The investigation may involve:
    • Interviews with the complainant and other relevant parties.
    • A review of any documentation, records, or other evidence.
  • The investigation process will be conducted in a confidential and fair manner, allowing all parties to present their perspectives.

Step 4: Decision

  • Based on the findings, AIES will issue a decision within 14-30 business days, depending on the complexity of the grievance. The decision will be communicated in writing and will include:
    • A summary of the investigation.
    • The final outcome of the grievance.
    • Any actions to be taken as a result of the decision.

5. Appeals Procedure

If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the grievance, they may appeal the decision. The process for filing an appeal is as follows:

Step 1: Submitting the Appeal

  • Appeals must be submitted in writing within 14 days of receiving the initial decision. The appeal should include:
    • The grounds for the appeal (e.g., new evidence, procedural errors, disproportionate outcome).
    • Any supporting documentation or evidence not previously submitted.

Step 2: Review of Appeal

  • An Appeals Committee will be convened to review the appeal. This committee will consist of individuals who were not involved in the original investigation. The committee will review the case, including all previously submitted materials and any new evidence.

Step 3: Final Decision

  • The Appeals Committee will issue a final decision within 14-30 business days of receiving the appeal. The final decision will be communicated in writing and is binding. No further appeals will be considered after the final decision is made.

6. Confidentiality

AIES is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all grievance and appeals proceedings. Information related to the grievance or appeal will only be shared with individuals directly involved in the resolution process. No information will be disclosed to third parties without the explicit consent of the complainant, except as required by law.

7. Protection Against Retaliation

AIES strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual who files a grievance or appeal in good faith. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, threats, harassment, or adverse academic or employment consequences. Any individual found to have engaged in retaliatory behavior will be subject to disciplinary action.

8. Record Keeping

AIES will maintain detailed records of all grievances and appeals, including correspondence, evidence, and final decisions. These records will be securely stored and retained in accordance with AIES’s data retention policies.

9. Timelines and Extensions

AIES is committed to resolving grievances and appeals in a timely manner. However, in certain cases where the complexity of the issue requires additional time, AIES reserves the right to extend the investigation or review period. The complainant will be notified if additional time is needed.

10. Policy Review

This Grievance and Appeals Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness. Any updates will be communicated to all students, staff, and centers.