Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

At AIES, we are committed to fostering a culture of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all academic endeavors. This Academic Integrity Policy sets forth the standards that students, faculty, and staff must uphold to maintain academic excellence and ethical conduct.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all members of the AIES community understand the importance of academic integrity and adhere to its principles. This policy promotes a fair and equitable academic environment by outlining expectations and consequences for breaches of academic integrity.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all students, instructors, staff, and centers associated with AIES programs. It covers all academic work, including but not limited to:

  • Examinations
  • Assignments
  • Research papers and reports
  • Group projects
  • Presentations
  • Digital and online coursework

3. Principles of Academic Integrity

Students and faculty are expected to adhere to the following principles:

  • Honesty: Ensuring that all work submitted is your own and accurately represents your effort and understanding.
  • Trust: Building a trusting academic environment where students can learn and faculty can teach without suspicion or dishonesty.
  • Fairness: Providing all students with equal opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  • Respect: Valuing the work, ideas, and efforts of others while giving proper credit where due.
  • Responsibility: Taking ownership of your actions and learning, and understanding the consequences of academic misconduct.

4. Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct undermines the integrity of the educational process and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or research as your own without proper acknowledgment or citation.
  • Cheating: Using unauthorized materials, information, or devices during an exam, assignment, or other academic activities.
  • Fabrication: Falsifying data, research, citations, or any other academic information.
  • Collusion: Collaborating with others on individual assignments or exams where such collaboration is not allowed.
  • Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same or substantially similar work in multiple courses without prior approval from instructors.
  • Impersonation: Taking an exam or completing coursework on behalf of another person or allowing someone to do so on your behalf.
  • Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Helping or attempting to help others commit academic misconduct.

5. Responsibilities


  • Complete all academic work honestly and independently unless collaboration is explicitly permitted.
  • Properly cite and acknowledge the work of others when using their ideas, research, or writing.
  • Understand and follow all rules regarding exams, assignments, and research conduct.
  • Report any instances of academic misconduct to the instructor or administration.

Instructors and Faculty

  • Set clear expectations regarding academic integrity and guidelines for assessments and assignments.
  • Foster a learning environment that promotes honesty and fairness.
  • Take appropriate action when instances of academic misconduct are discovered.
  • Provide guidance to students on proper citation practices and academic honesty.

6. Reporting and Investigation

Any student, faculty member, or staff member who observes or suspects academic misconduct should report it to the appropriate authority at their center or AIES administration. Reports of misconduct will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. The process includes:

  • Initial Review: The report of academic misconduct will be reviewed by the instructor and/or center administrator.
  • Investigation: If necessary, a formal investigation will be conducted to gather evidence and assess the situation.
  • Notification: The student(s) involved will be notified of the allegations and given an opportunity to respond.
  • Decision: Based on the evidence and response, a determination will be made regarding whether academic misconduct occurred.

7. Consequences of Academic Misconduct

The consequences for academic misconduct depend on the severity of the violation and may include one or more of the following:

  • Warning: A formal warning for minor first-time violations.
  • Zero Credit: Assigning a grade of zero for the specific assignment or exam in question.
  • Course Failure: A failing grade for the course in cases of severe or repeated misconduct.
  • Suspension: Temporary suspension from AIES programs or courses.
  • Expulsion: Permanent expulsion from AIES programs.
  • Revocation of Credentials: In extreme cases, previously awarded certificates or qualifications may be revoked.

All decisions regarding academic misconduct will be documented and retained in the student’s academic record.

8. Appeals Process

Students who are found guilty of academic misconduct have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the decision and should include:

  • A detailed explanation of why the student believes the decision was incorrect.
  • Any new evidence or information that may support the student’s case.

The appeal will be reviewed by a designated committee, and a final decision will be communicated to the student within a reasonable timeframe.

9. Prevention and Education

AIES is committed to educating students and faculty about academic integrity. The following steps will be taken to prevent academic misconduct:

  • Workshops and Resources: Providing students and staff with resources on citation practices, research ethics, and proper academic conduct.
  • Integrity Pledge: Encouraging students to sign an academic integrity pledge at the start of their program, committing to upholding AIES’s standards.
  • Ongoing Faculty Training: Regularly training instructors on best practices for fostering academic honesty and detecting misconduct.

10. Policy Review

This Academic Integrity Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in promoting academic honesty within AIES programs. Any changes will be communicated to students, staff, and centers promptly.