Intellectual Property Policy

AIES Intellectual Property Policy

At AIES, we are committed to fostering creativity, innovation, and academic excellence. This Intellectual Property Policy outlines the rights and responsibilities related to the creation, ownership, and use of intellectual property (IP) within the AIES community. The policy applies to students, faculty, staff, and any affiliated centers or collaborators.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to clarify the ownership and usage rights of intellectual property created by members of the AIES community. The policy also ensures that AIES supports the fair and legal use of intellectual property while fostering an environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all forms of intellectual property created or used within the AIES community, including but not limited to:

  • Written works: Textbooks, articles, essays, research papers, instructional materials.
  • Creative works: Art, music, videos, and other forms of artistic expression.
  • Technological innovations: Software, inventions, systems, processes.
  • Research and data: Studies, data sets, surveys, and research findings.
  • Trademarks and branding: Logos, slogans, and other branding elements.

This policy covers intellectual property created during the course of an individual’s enrollment, employment, or affiliation with AIES, as well as collaborative projects between AIES members and third parties.

3. Ownership of Intellectual Property

a. Student Intellectual Property

  • Ownership: Students retain ownership of intellectual property they create as part of their coursework, research, or creative projects, provided it was not developed as part of a sponsored project or with significant AIES resources.
  • Exceptions: Intellectual property created through AIES-sponsored research, projects, or collaborations may be subject to joint ownership, with ownership terms determined by specific agreements between AIES and the student.

b. Faculty and Staff Intellectual Property

  • Ownership: Faculty and staff retain ownership of their original scholarly work, including publications, presentations, and research data, unless created under a specific AIES-sponsored project or agreement.
  • Work-for-Hire: Intellectual property created by faculty or staff as part of their job duties (e.g., instructional materials, software, or administrative tools) is typically owned by AIES. Work-for-hire agreements may specify ownership and usage rights.

c. Collaborative or Sponsored Projects

  • Intellectual property created as part of a sponsored or collaborative project involving AIES or external organizations may be subject to shared ownership or specific terms outlined in agreements between the parties. The ownership of such IP will be governed by the terms of the contract or agreement in place.

d. Institutional Materials

  • AIES owns any materials created by faculty, staff, or contractors specifically for use in AIES’s educational programs or operations, including course content, online resources, and administrative tools.

4. Use of Intellectual Property

a. Use by AIES

  • AIES reserves the right to use student, faculty, and staff intellectual property for institutional purposes, such as promoting programs, educational materials, and research initiatives. Permission from the creator is required for significant public use or commercialization, unless specified otherwise in a work-for-hire or sponsored project agreement.

b. Use by Creators

  • Students, faculty, and staff may continue to use their intellectual property for academic and professional purposes outside AIES, provided that:
    • They acknowledge AIES’s contributions (if applicable).
    • Their use does not conflict with any contractual obligations or specific agreements with AIES.

c. Licensing and Commercialization

  • In cases where intellectual property developed within AIES holds commercial potential, the institution may negotiate licensing agreements with external entities. Any revenues generated from such licensing will be shared between the creator and AIES based on pre-agreed terms outlined in the applicable agreement.

5. Copyright and Patent Protection

a. Copyright

  • Copyright protection applies to original works of authorship, including written materials, artistic works, and certain digital content. AIES encourages creators to register copyrights for their original works where applicable.
  • AIES may assist with copyright registration for materials developed within the institution or through collaborative projects.

b. Patents

  • Inventions, software, and technological innovations that result from AIES-sponsored research or significant use of AIES resources may be eligible for patent protection. AIES may claim ownership of such innovations if created as part of a work-for-hire or sponsored project.
  • The institution may work with inventors to apply for patent protection and negotiate licensing or commercialization terms.

6. Academic and Fair Use

a. Fair Use for Educational Purposes

  • AIES supports the concept of fair use for educational purposes. Students and faculty may use copyrighted materials (e.g., excerpts from books, articles, or videos) within the bounds of fair use for teaching, research, and academic discussion.
  • However, the reproduction or distribution of significant portions of copyrighted works without permission is prohibited.

b. Citing Intellectual Property

  • Proper attribution and citation are required when using or referencing others’ intellectual property in academic work, instructional materials, or research. Plagiarism or the unauthorized use of others’ intellectual property is a violation of AIES’s Academic Integrity Policy.

7. Dispute Resolution

Disputes regarding the ownership or use of intellectual property should first be addressed through informal discussion between the parties involved. If an agreement cannot be reached, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Mediation: AIES will appoint a neutral mediator to facilitate discussions and help the parties resolve the dispute.
  2. Formal Review: If mediation is unsuccessful, the matter may be referred to an internal review committee or legal counsel for a formal decision based on the terms of this policy and any relevant agreements.

All parties have the right to appeal decisions made during the formal review process.

8. Amendments and Policy Review

AIES reserves the right to review and update this policy as necessary to reflect changes in intellectual property laws, institutional needs, or technological advancements. Any updates will be communicated to students, faculty, and staff, and the most recent version of the policy will be available on AIES’s website.